Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No real,News, Democratic views in New Delhi


When we can have fast metro of Korea fast food from America than why cannot have governed system of other countries those have developed faster and better.

I am making triangle of bonding which have 3 corners, one media another is government lastly and lonely connected public.

When we can have made china food, cloths and machines that why we cannot have political systems and news broadcaster like them.

These days’ news channels are advertising platform and journalist plays their role as advertising sales agents.

These days’ journalist portrays themselves as most learned and celebrated citizens of India.

Journalist are making reports on matters those create sensation and make veil on real issues so they are equally responsible for destroying facts and participating in making nation more corrupt.

These days all news channels business model listed companies those need income and always have their capital and equity participations from banks and government run institutions.
So news channels are not for the common people and by the common people.

Making hypothetical assumptions is name of critical news analysis of million INR salary journalists. These days top editors are highly paid corporate executives those can argue on any topic with any one and can put questions those starts with if and buts not on facts.

Reporting on assumptions and 10000 people survey in billion people economy is hard.

As we all know in India, all data’s are collected by any government agency are manipulated on which all journalist discus growth of country. Just imagine government distribute free food to  5000 people in rural district on India, where real population is only 3000 people.

Yesterday I find political journalist of 30 years of age making comments and reports on political bill which has been written by ink pen 40 years back. So how can make real comment on situation on which he or she has seen.

In age of electronic media we discus laws of social reform, business development those made in age of steam engine. So it is irony of journalist who is now helping poor governance and corruption in hidden manner.  In age of electronic voting system we follow Indian political system which meant for 50 crores of people way back in 1950 and these days we have 125 crore of population still following business and social system which made for less people.

So we are living dilemma of mix calculation which only news channels can clear and they are not doing it means they are also want to participate in supporting corrupt politicians.
Just top ruling party in India have only 12% of votes in 125 crore of population and only 550 political people making policy to rule.

What is this? Miscalculation or satire on democracy???
1-New Delhi Political journalist becomes food critic, sports critic and financial expert in same day.

2-Whole day news channels reports on raising level of Dead River during monsoon season.

3-International news editor of big news television making report on world trade summit, where India role is negligent.

4-Financial reporter making half comments on tax laws those affects only 20 companies those run by 200 people in billion people economy.

5-Lifestyle journalist travelling aboard and making comments on food?

6-Indain journalist stationed USA making comments on shoot out in New York, where same day has in New Delhi government has failed to run parliament.

7-News channel is reporting on Save The tiger campaign same day when in New Delhi people die because medical doctors are on strike.

8-News channel reporting for 3 days on death of super star from movies where as same day, 10 people die in local train in Mumbai and some one died because of bad road in New Delhi.

9-Business channel reporting on golf lesson where crew enjoys good time, same day as some airline business collapsed because of bad policies of government.

10-Same day sports channel is show old cricket match; where as some Indian player has won Chess world championships.

11-Same day top News editor is yelling at corrupt system of National political party where as same day some state had 50 communal riots death.

12-News channel showing God man’s preaching whole day where as, same day people die due to religious witch hunt somewhere in rural part of the country.

13-News anchor making expert comments and wrong doing and failure of big government education policy which failed to offer good education in government run schools.

14-News channel reporting on bad methods on admission process of private school, where in the city government failed to open their low fees based school and 10 private school building developed in one year. So they don’t show why government not opening schools but making reports on public schools.

14-Fianacial news reporting on price hike of vegetables not mentioning why government not managing price on their hands. They mention that farmer sells potato for INR 4 and its transport cost is INR5 to get is sold. So why government is not subsidizing transport cost of food items as most of develop ended nations like USA and Germany do.
15-Business editor in finance news channel making comments and recommendation on Mutual fund and equity market, where as 25 funds are having court cases pending. Business reporter making report on oil, gas and wind power generation company where has he or she has studied history in is collage degree.

16-Travelling in airplane, sitting in air conditioned studios senior journalist making comments on poor stage of farmers and laborers those dying of hunger.
17-Journalist, with age of 30 and came to New Delhi 10 years back making reports on New Delhi’s tourism, food and fashion.

18-Lifestyle channel journalist making food report of Italian food, as we have only 20 places to serve Italian food in Delhi. Top journalist writes in English about his stay at five star hotels.
So here lifestyle journalists without any proper education and experience are making expert comments on topics those not relevant to views and journalist enjoying their job of travelling, eating good food and having good time.

All these solution can be reported and discussed in news papers and news channels can make this country better. News and views shared faster and better in television as large number of people can watch at one time. Onus on over news broadcaster lies, if they can show truth only than we can have better government.
After Second World War, where propaganda of news made huge difference to stop hate war and deaths of many people in Europe. Cold war between USA and Russia had very important impact of news. Chain and USSR changed their political system because their news channels and news paper reported truth and solutions in the news.
Here, in India blame news broadcaster more that our political and government systems. Government system can accepts computer in name of change than why not their formation and working. All these matters have been discussed in news in every part of world.

Commenting and making any negative and wrong remark on any situation is the easiest thing our news makers do.
Discussing a problem is part of big news?
Sharing gossips of films, comedy and cars part of prime news channels?

City named New Delhi which doesn’t have good government schools and hospitals, its news channels show how to save tigers and make food show on news channels.

It is funny to find same news group having their own lifestyle, food and sports channels, still broadcast comedy and save the tiger show in news channels on the same day when government passes wrong bill and government don’t agree to make hospital for public use.

Just imagine one north east state is having communal deaths for two months and no solution is present but our news reporters travelling and reporting the problems only and making situation sensational and worse.
We newer get news on any government’s wrong issues? Just imagine we don’t know why one politician holds so many positions in government run organizations and holds for years?

India is very populated and having very complex constitutional system. We all know these and talk about change in system, but we need to have information on this issue which only news channels and news paper can provide, which they don’t do, why why why????????

Our news channels of repute show film gossips, talks on tigers, discussion on crime done by criminal and views on international rainfall. It is satire on them that they don’t show news and views that affects normal citizen but showing comedy and sports news on national news channels.

So news channels are comedy, film and sports channels are together.

Yelling on corrupt politicians and making sting operation on corrupt government official is breaking news these days?
Making out all false and negative moves of any situation is name of reporting.

Asking how you do feel when person’s relative dies by drunken fast car rich driver is name of good reporting.

It is funny to find reports on silly matters those doesn’t even affect 100 people in the population of billion people.

Why news channels fear to present real picture and solution to our society which is facing the worst time in country where we have the best computer, science and brains available in the society?
What and how government does, we don’t know? Why government doesn’t run good education institute and hospitals?
Why government doesn’t check the quality of food we eat?

These entire simple questions are not asked and raised by our news people. All news people think they are doing business of advertising only

I am making this feature as citizen who has been born in New Delhi, city that operates the biggest and the oldest democracy in the planet earth. Here I portray role of information and news which normally affects the normal and casual citizen of democracy in the capital of nation. As literate citizen being born and brought up in New Delhi where we witness all happenings of politics and government operation live on television and 15 years back on newspaper.

Distracted information and advantage of life to overcome situation that can make things better for civilize society.

News plays very important role in the democratic and large population, as it affects the lifestyle, financial standing and formation of society. But here I say that we don’t get real news and views from our newspapers and television. As our democratic structure is that we don’t get real facts on how government is making use of money on society and city.
Here we don’t get clear roads, water and education from government. Even our food items sold in the New Delhi are not up to the quality standards. So what is happening is not real and true.

We can ask only but we don’t get solution of any problem.

Why government and bureaucrats only gets good housing and security?

Why government doesn’t run good education and hospitals?

Why our housing prices are not regulated by government?

Food, shelter and cloths are three common things person require. Here we don’t have any control on prices and quality of these three items.

We say we live in developed city with metro and big roads but we need good and economical education and medical facilities. Which normally not provided by government and our news people never show and highlight basic information and discussion on these matters.

Just imagine that all politicians gets the best of offices houses and security, still they doesn’t perform for public services and no news has been developed on this topics.

Please think on my point of view, that if we have good media than we can have good governance, because in billion people country all billion views cannot go to government and government cannot send their work in public. So media is bridge between public and politicians. That bridge should be honest, true and informative.

We have seen that creation of morality and country love came from books, newspapers, radio and these days from internet in USA and China. So we need to have true journalists.

I not blaming media, I am asking them to be informative as they should be simple reporting from situation we get even from our 5 year old kid who narrates his school lunch fight every day, which seems repetitive from our childhood days. I hope I made my point clear.
Written after getting shocking news in media this year of 2012,where India had trillion dollars of scam, nation running on old paper files and asking for 3Ginternet connections, nation which cannot have computerized social census number even though we have the best computer brains available.

Writing By  Shailesh Sharma Pokhriyal,
At home in Dawarka August to September 4, 2012